1. Colour Bespoke
Pick your colour from 30 colours we have carefully chosen

Standard riders jacket with basic black creates your “second skin” everyday jacket whilst drastic colour choice with same model gives you a dramatic jacket for parties.
We have narrowed down colours to 30 from 300 colours. We have playful colours like red, blue and silver that adds dramatic touch to your daily style as well as new addition to your daily wardrobe with basic colours. Why not choose silver leather jacket for your monotone style instead of your tuxedo for parties? Our bespoke menus provide you with “your own style”.
2. Length bespoke
No compromise on silhouette with your length

We can alter length from short to long on any styles.
We are indeed very particular with details like the length. We can adjust the length from 1mm for the perfect fit. We understand that a few cm difference could hugely impact the silhouette. Not only ever changing body shapes because of working out or aging, we also take it into careful consideration what kind of accessories you wear daily, when and how you would wear our jacket. We spend lot of time on consulting and fitting for every adjustment. Different length with same styles expands the possibility of your everyday styling depending on different occasions. Your custom made jacket will age beautifully as you wear over and over.
3. Details Bespoke
Details of YOUR liking

Arranged style of vegtable lamb series. Fastener pocket positioned like X creates original feel.(Red)
We dig deeper and express your style with details bespoke such as different shaped collars, positions, addition and relocation of pockets and adding fasteners to the sleeves. Thin sleeves gives young and avant-garde feel and wider sleeves, an impression of dignity. It is also fun to position pockets asymmetry to give unique and original feel. We have wide variety of fasteners and buttons from simple, unique to vintage.